
Say Yes to Hot Cocoa

Healthy Macaroni Kids

January 13, 2011

I never associated hot cocoa with good health.

But once again, I have been proven wrong!

Hot Cocoa vs. Hot Chocolate? Their differences are nutritional.

Hot cocoa is made from raw cocoa powder, which is pressed chocolate which removes the fat of the cocoa butter. Hot chocolate is made from chocolate bars melted into a cream or ground into a powder. Often hot chocolate has a very high sugar and fat content and low cocoa content. The nutrition in hot Cocoa can be very good for you, especially if you omit a majority of the sugar and fat. Cocoa has about one-third of a gram of fat per one cup serving, compared with the eight grams of fat in a standard-sized 40 gram chocolate bar.

Okay, so hot cocoa (minus the whipped cream) is a GREAT way to fight cancer, and yes, you can get just as many antioxidants in your system by eating vegetables. BUT would your child be happier curling up next to fire with a cup of hot cocoa or an onion? 

So this winter season, drink up your hot cocoa - after all, the doctor says its good for you!