
Weekly Publisher Note, May 12 - 18, 2021

By Jodi Lorence, Macaroni Kid Publisher May 12, 2021

Hello all,

Well, I didi it! Yep, the procrastinator finally e-filed our taxes last night. I am NEVER like this but it seems as though 2020 put a curse on my motivation to do my taxes so when they gave us an extension I jumped all over that. Then it hit, I didn't even have a week to submit them as the deadline to file without being late is May 17. The pleasant part of it after the stress of getting them done is that we don't have to pay in. There is always a silver lining isn't there? For those of you who still have to submit taxes I wish you well. I hate having this kind of thing hanging over my head so I am thankful to be done. Now, on to the next task on my To Do LIst.

Wishing you all a wonderful week. Looks like the temperatures are starting to warm up a bit so maybe I can get some of the plants in pots and be able to leave them on the deck instead of hauling them in every night. I think I went to the garden center about 2 weeks early. LIve and learn I guess but that 80 degree day threw me off. 🌱

“We should certainly count our blessings, 

but we should also make our blessings count.”
—Neal A. Maxwell

Coronavirus Update!

Coronavirus Update!
Hopefully we are closer to the end of this pandemic. 

Click here to read about updated Minnesota orders.
It is important that we follow the guidelines set out by our government officials. Here is a great handwashing video to help prevent diseases like the Coronavirus. Here is a link to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and more at and the Minnesota Department of Health.

It is important that we follow the guidelines set out by our government officials. Here is a great handwashing video to help prevent diseases like the Coronavirus. Here is a link to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and more at and the Minnesota Department of Health. 

Thanks for your support as we continue to stay focused on our families while providing you with at home activities and in person events as they open up 

I will be sharing resources on our Facebook Page too so be sure to check it out. If you haven't "liked" the new page I invite you to do so.
Love your family, (and pets) and yourself too. Stay healthy, safe and have a great week.
Jodi Lorence 🌷
Macaroni Kid Publisher

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Are you a Macaroni Kid - Coon Rapids, Andover, Fridley subscriber? We send out a weekly e-newsletter filled with fun low-cost family-friendly events and activities in and near your community. If you would like to keep updated on local events, activities, parenting tips, recipes, crafts ideas, family and kid friendly local and national advertising and so much more,  you can sign up here to be on our weekly email list.  While you are there you can sign up for other National Macaroni Kid newsletters if you are interested as well. Thanks so much for stopping by.