First, include them in the process. Let them know that you are all in this together. Share your fears and apprehensions and let your kids know how you plan to overcome them. Share the house hunting with your kids, let them have some input into the new home. Browsing online for a home, show your kids some of the possibilities. If you go to look at the houses, take the kids if at all possible. If the travel is too far, then bring back pictures, not only of the house, but great things nearby like parks and playgrounds.
Most families try to move over the summer when school is out. This makes sense as it avoids interruption of the school year. It can also be an opportunity to ease the transition. Look for summer programs and camps that students from the new school attend. This will allow your child to make friends before school starts. You can also check with the school and see if there are other new students in your child’s grade and try to introduce them before school starts.
If you have to move during the school year, try to avoid school vacations. This can leave your child at home for a week or more both away from his old friends and before he makes new ones, increasing his feeling of isolation. Plus when he starts school, the other children will be excited to be back from vacation and your child may get “lost” in the hectic atmosphere.
Once in your new home, keep in mind the adaptation is a process. It may include grieving as well as the struggles to fit in. Stay involved. You and your spouse may be wrapped up in your new job and challenges, but investing time early can head off problems later. Keep the lines of communication open, and get involved in your child’s new school.
Not every new town has a “Mr. Han” to teach Kung Fu. So be proactive and your little ones will fit in without having to take on “Cheng” in the big tournament.
And, don't forget to find your Macaroni Kid newsletter in your new town!
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